


We’re a relaxed bunch at Dimitries Jewellers. However, we’re very fussy about the diamonds we associate with. Buying diamonds is a big deal for you, so the quality of those diamonds means a great deal to us. To keep standards high, Dimitries Jewellers has two qualified GIA diamond graders working in house. Trained in New York, they have a combined 60 years of experience working with diamonds, so they can give you a deep insight into the real world of diamonds and diamond grading.


In the diamond grading system, there are three tiers: top, middle and low tier. We only deal with top tier stones, but top tier doesn’t have to mean top dollar. We always work to your budget, meaning you can afford premium diamonds. 


Diamonds are wonderfully complex and beautifully perplexing. For example, stones with the exact same grade on paper can look very different when you see them in person. And while a certificate may say a stone contains very small imperfections e.g. VS1 – Very Small Inclusions 1 – that stone could be a middle OR low tier stone. See what we mean by perplexing? That’s why viewing a diamond in store is still very important in making sure you get the best possible stone for you.


Of course, not everyone buys in store. Many people now buy diamonds online based on specifications alone. Even though the grading system from reputable grading houses like GIA is an excellent way to get a snapshot of the stone, it doesn’t don’t always tell the full story of a diamond’s personality. A client who understands the tier system is one who is 100% educated on exactly what they are purchasing. We’ll happily teach you what we know, whether you’re purchasing the stone from us or not.


To use a very non-technical term: trust your gut! Finding a jeweller to work with, whether it’s the trained diamond specialists at Dimitries Jewellers, or someone else, is imperative to make sure you get the most out of your diamond buying experience.


So, what should you look for when buying a diamond? Let’s start with the 4 C’s:


  • Colour
  • Clarity
  • Cut
  • Carat weight


When it comes to colour in a diamond, less is more. Highest quality stones are basically transparent, with no apparent colour. Diamonds are graded from colourless to light colour, although the differences are not obvious to the untrained eye. However, the slightest distinction can have a big impact on value, which is why it’s a good idea to seek expert advice from our eagle-eyed diamond graders.         


Clarity refers to the absence of characteristics of internal inclusions and external blemishes. Think of inclusions and blemishes as birthmarks, the result of the tremendous heat and pressure that transforms carbon into diamond. When we evaluate clarity, we look at things like the number, size, and position of these characteristics, and how they impact on a stone’s overall appearance.


A diamond’s cut grade talks to how well its facets interact with light. This is crucial, as diamonds are loved not just for their inner beauty, but also for the way they sparkle and transmit light. For this to happen to maximum effect, the diamond must be cut with precision and artistry, so its symmetry, proportions and polish perfectly combine to play magical tricks with the light. We can’t emphasise enough how important this is. You can have the worlds whitest and cleanest diamond, but without an excellent cut, the beauty in other areas is lost. 


Carat weight is the measurement of how much a diamond weighs. A metric carat is 200 milligrams, with each carat able to be subdivided into 100 ‘points.’  If a diamond is below one carat, we can describe its weight in points alone. At the other end of the scale, diamond weights greater than one carat are expressed in carats and decimals.


For now, let’s forget about buying diamonds using grades, tiers, certificates, the 4C’s, and all that. Let’s talk about buying diamonds using your heart, soul, and instinct. While a certificate can give specifications, it can’t tell the story about a diamond’s individual personality.  As each person is unique, so is a diamond. For this reason, we believe that the diamond sometimes chooses the wearer, and not the other way around. It speaks directly to an individual in a way someone else might not understand.


That’s why a diamond with a lower rating on paper shouldn’t be excluded from consideration. For example, a diamond with an SI2 rating, where an expert jeweller can easily see inclusions, might just have something about it that appeals to you, or the lucky recipient. It tugs at the heartstrings and it just feels right. We get that!


Reading about a diamond’s quality, grade and characteristics on paper is important, but nothing beats seeing it for yourself. Better still, talking with a trained expert while you check out a stone will throw further light on the subject. So why don’t you talk with us? We’d love to meet you and answer all your questions. Book an appointment with one of our diamond experts today.


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